More than 6 months after the official project start, the 1st consortium meeting took place in Graz, Austria from 16-17 September 2014. All 12 partners were represented and gave an update on their current work results.
In addition to the lively discussions the world café was a special highlight during the afternoon session. Five topics related to the EAGLE project were discussed by each group on a rotating basis. Every group had the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas on each specific topic. The outcomes were summarised and presented the following day. This was a very effective and fruitful workshop that gave each participant the opportunity to brainstorm about EAGLE issues that needed to be clarified and discussed in more detail. The workshop outcomes will serve as basis for future work and the succesfull development of EAGLE.
Besides the consortium meeting the 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2014) was another highlight during this week in Graz. Some partners participated at this event and they even presented the EAGLE project during a poster session in the evening (see pictures below).
All in all, this week was very successful for the EAGLE project and all partners.