EnhAnced Government LEarning

EAGLE models and features discussed at MODELSWARD 2016

In two presentations and one panel, EAGLE presented and discussed its work and results at the MODELSWARD 2016 conference. Scientific coordinator, Sabine Moebs, presented the models used in the project and their advantages.

In the other presentation, Julia Stoffregen (HRW) presented the state and approach of the culture contextualization model. Peers and experts in the field of e-Learning in the public sector discussed the background and future steps concerning the automation of contextualization recommendations.

EAGLE and FP7-funded project LearnPAd also exchanged ideas and results during a panel in which they discussed similarities, differences and synergies of the two projects.

Participants of the EAGLE-LEARNPAd panel. In the back row the two coordinators, Sabine Moebs (EAGLE, 2nd from the left) and Antonia Bertolino (LEARNPAd, 3rd from the left), and Bran Selic (Simular Research Laboratory, 4th from the left), the moderator of the discussion.
