EnhAnced Government LEarning


The EAGLE news section provides you with the latest news around our project. It includes information about upcoming EAGLE meetings, events, and the latest project outcomes.

EAGLE poster

Check out the latest EAGLE poster that was created for the EC-TEL conference taking place in Graz, Austria,16-19 September 2014.

EAGLE workshops

To clearly understand the key needs, requirements and barriers in local rural governments currently workshops in our target countries are being held.

EAGLE consortium meeting in September 2014

The first EAGLE consortium meeting will take place from 16-17 September 2014 during the EC-TEL 2014 in Graz, Austria.

EAGLE in Salzburg Research Newsletter

One of the EAGLE partners - Salzburg Research - published an article about the EAGLE project in its internal newsletter.

EAGLE now on Twitter

The EAGLE project is now part of the twitter community and communicates all important steps around the project also on twitter.

EAGLE project got kicked off

From 11-12 February 2014 20 representatives of all 10 partners participated at the EAGLE kick-off meeting taking place in the snowy region of Filzbach, Switzerland.


Title Location Date
WM2017, 9te Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe, Germany 05/04/2017– 07/04/2017
LEARNTEC 2017 Karlsruhe, Germany 24/01/2017– 26/01/2017
Congress Problem-based Learning Zurich, Switzerland 15/06/2016
UNESCO Mobile Learning Week Paris, France 07/03/2016
IRIS 2016, International Legal Informatics Symposium Salzburg, Vienna 25/02/2016–
Modelsward 2016 Rome, Italy 19/02/2016–
LEARNTEC 2016 Karlsruhe, Germany 26/01/2016–
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016 Ilmenau, Germany 09/03/2016–
JURIX 2015, International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems Braga, Portugal 09/12/2015–
10. Rostocker eGovernment Forum Rostock, Germany 07/12/2015
ONLINE EDUCA 2015 Berlin, Germany 02/12/2015–
E-Learn 2015 * Kona, Hawaii, US 19/10/2015
mLearn 2015 Venice, Italy 17/10/2015–
ALT Annual Conference 2015 Manchester, UK 08/09/2015–
neueVerwaltung Leipzig, Germany 02/06/2015–
eLearning Africa ** Adis Abeba, Ethiopia 20/05/2015–
ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2014 Berlin, Germany 03/12/2014–
EC-TEL 2014 Graz, Austria 16/09/2014–


Title Media name Published
Umfrage: Wie hoch ist die IKT-Kompetenz in der öffentlichen Verwaltung? FOKUS eGovernment Newsletter October 2016
EAGLE – Neue Lern- und Wissensplattform sucht Gemeinden FOKUS eGovernment Newsletter June 2016
Networking fürs Amt – Wissens- und Lernnetzwerk für Verwaltungen InnoVisions April 2016
Erster Prototyp der EAGLE-Wissensplattform evaluiert FOKUS eGovernment Newsletter February 2016
Neuer Schwung für das Lernen am Arbeitsplatz: Das EAGLE-Projekt LEARNTEC Newsletter January 2016
Gemeinden testen EAGLE Kommune21 – die Fachzeitschrift für E-Government, Internet und Informationstechnik  für Verwaltungsspitzen, Amtsleiter, Dezernenten und IT-Entscheider in Städten, Gemeinden und Kreisen. October 2015
So tauschen Kommunen Erfahrungen

eGovernment Computing

Deutsche Handwerks-Zeitung

June 2015

June 2015

Wie E-Learning im ländlichen Raum helfen kann FOKUS eGovernment Newsletter June 2015
Lösung für ländliche Gemeinden Kommune21 – die Fachzeitschrift für E-Government, Internet und Informationstechnik  für Verwaltungsspitzen, Amtsleiter, Dezernenten und IT-Entscheider in Städten, Gemeinden und Kreisen. May 2015
Kommunen wollen Wissen und Erfahrungen austauschen Press release for the 16. Congress “Neue Verwaltung” in Leipzig (in German) May 2015
Ein Ort der Vernetzung – erster DHBW Forschungstag DHBW Heidenheim February 2015
Projekt EAGLE: Open Learning Platform für die Verwaltung Fraunhofer FOKUS eGovernment Newsletter June 2014
EU-Forschungsprojekt EAGLE gestartet Update (SRFG Newsletter) March 2014
La science informatique au service de l’apprentissage Letzebuerger Gemengen March 2014
Die Netz-Pionierin Heidenheimer Zeitung October 2013